Edinburgh Students’ Charities Appeal (ESCA) provides support to students in Edinburgh who wish to gain skills and experience in fundraising. The organisation facilitates student led fundraising events and activities. We are looking for a Student Fundraising Support Coordinator (some flexibility on remote/office working initially and perhaps a 'hybrid' approach moving forward) to support students in Edinburgh with fundraising activities, by providing guidance and practical advice on a range of activities, including working with the RAG (Raising and Giving) student committee to plan their annual events. They will run the organisation’s day-to-day activities and contribute to strategic planning by working with the Trustees. They will also implement development projects to improve the support students receive and the events ESCA arranges.
An application pack is available for download below.
If you have any questions about the role please email Chair@escaonline.org
Please send a completed application form and CV to Chair@escaonline.org
The closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday the 27th of September 2021
Interviews will be scheduled and held remotely in due course.
The start date is to be confirmed, but will be around Monday 4th October 2021.
N.B. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted