Charity and voluntary sector recruitment

Why advertise with us?

  • We charge a single fee of £240 per post (No VAT added for registered charities)
  • We include your organisation profile and logo with your vacancies on the website
  • We make your application pack available for applicants to download direct from the website
  • We publish your vacancies to the website normally within 2 hours and your job will be advertised until the closing date
  • We will contact you after your closing date to see if you have filled your post and if you have not found someone suitable, we will extend the job listing on the website free of charge.

Where will my vacancies appear?


With 90,000 unique users a month the heart of our service is more than just a jobs website. We offer information and advice about the charity and voluntary sector as an exciting career option.

What should I do next?

Get in touch to discuss your recruitment needs! Ring us on: 0800 0192 149 or contact us by email at:

Do you have more than one job to advertise or know you're going to be advertising over an extended period? Ask us about our bulk purchase packages.

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