This vacancy has now closed

Top job! Head of Policy and Workforce

  • Full time
  • £60,000 – £70,000
  • Social Work Scotland, Mansfield Traquiar Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, EH3 6BB with hybrid working
  • Closing 11th April 2023

  • Advertised from 17th March 2023
  • 35 Hours Permanent. Salary within the range £60,000 - £70,000 per annum (depending on experience); for exceptional candidates salary may be negotiated out with this band.


We are excited to be recruiting for a Head of Policy and Workforce. The next few years are likely to be seminal in the ongoing development of social work in Scotland, with significant change driven by reform through the National Care Service, the Promise, Mental Health Law Review, etc. With the Director, this post constitutes the senior management of the organisation, linking in directly with Social Work Scotland’s Board, local authority Chief Social Work Officers and key partners (such as the Office of the Chief Social Work Advisor) to identify, shape and participate in the national agenda for social work.

The Head of Policy and Workforce has a broad remit, providing operational social work insight and expertise across many issues, including workforce planning, leadership, learning and development, management and wellbeing. The role has responsibility for overseeing one or more national projects currently hosted by Social Work Scotland, and line managing other members of the team. The role works closely with the Director to inform the future of the organisation, and engage in a range of key national meetings, to ensure the social work profession is properly represented, in line with the membership’s positions.

If successful in securing the post, you will have the opportunity to build relationships with the leadership of the social work profession in Scotland, in operations, regulation, advocacy, policy, education and academia. You will lead a team of Policy and Practice Leads and Advisors to ensure the wider connecting themes that exist across the profession are reflected in the work that we do at the national level. Through these relationships you, and the team you will lead, will have a key role in steering the profession through its continuous process of change and development, identifying opportunities for improvement and innovation. You will be a visible representative of the profession at the national level, and you will help others to articulate Social Work Scotland’s positions.

At the core of Social Work Scotland is a commitment to assisting the profession be the best it can be for the individuals, families and communities who need social work or social care support; the Head of Policy and Workforce role is central to us delivering on that commitment. The successful applicant for this role will be a high achiever, able to manage multiple threads and tasks, be passionate about social work and able to instil that enthusiasm and dedication to wider groups to effect meaningful change.

To apply for this post, please submit a covering letter/email and a completed application form. Your covering letter should be between 800 and 1000 words and should set out why you want the job, and summarise how you meet the job’s ‘Person Specification’. Please state in your application form if you do want us to contact references prior to interview. Secondments welcome.

Application notes

Completed application forms and covering letters should be sent to by 09:00 on Tuesday 11 April 2023.
