CCT Development Officer role and responsibilities
Responsible to the board of trustees as a whole, line-managed by the chair.
The role of the CCT Development Officer will be to work closely with our trustees, members, volunteers, other community groups, public bodies and the people of Crieff to deliver our key priorities and to help us make Crieff a better place to live, work and visit.
End vision and outputs / outcomes of the role
CCT is a key anchor organisation in Crieff. Over the last 12 years we believe that CCT has proved we can really punch above our size and deliver for our community. The role of the development officer will be to coordinate the trust’s projects, take the lead on fundraising efforts and run the trust day to day, freeing up the volunteer trustees to work on the projects themselves. We are also currently seeking future funding for this role, as well as looking for funding to support our annual core costs such as insurance, accountancy, web sites, Xero subscription etc. which amount to c. £8,000 per year. The end vision is that in 10 years time CCT is thriving and continuing to work for the benefit of Crieff.