This vacancy has now closed

Service & Practice Lead (New Scots/Ending Migrant Homelessness)

  • Full time
  • £34,701 – £40,508
  • Hybrid: Glasgow
  • Closing 17th June 2024

  • Advertised from 30th May 2024


About Simon Community Scotland

Simon Community Scotland is the largest provider of homelessness services in Scotland.

Our vision is for everyone to have a safe place to live with access to the support they need. Every day we help make positive things happen for people facing extremely difficult circumstances.

Everything we do is about and for people: the people we support, our staff, our partners and everyone affected by homelessness.

Our values are built into every area of activity and tell the story of how people remain at the heart of the Simon Community.

Job Summary

The Simon Community is Scotland's leading homeless charity. We are creative and innovative. We get things done with care and compassion that make a difference to our community, being true to our values. We are a community of staff, volunteers and the people that we support.

This exciting post takes an operational lead on our strategic priority to end migrant homelessness. As well as managing our specialist services, this post will shape and develop all our support for people who are homeless and are/have been subject to immigration control. This includes refused asylum seekers, people awaiting settlement under the EUSS, and recently granted refugees. We need someone who is compassionate, innovative and effective in knowing and addressing the issues people face directly, as well as the structural challenges, and able to lead and support teams to do everything they can to keep people safe, informed and well.

Job Purpose

To lead on the delivery and continued development of our work and services (accommodation and advice) to end migrant homelessness, and be able to support colleagues and their teams to fully understand and implement an approach that includes New Scots, across the organisation.

Line management responsibilities for staff within the organisation who have a direct responsibility for our ending migrant homelessness priority

To lead, develop and advise the organisation on our aim to end migrant homelessness, through working with the people we support, frontline staff, volunteers and senior leaders to create a consistent, evidence based and person centred approach that is rights-based and outcomes focused.

To develop, co-produce and design training and knowledge-exchange programmes, alongside colleagues and the people we support.

Assisting in identifying relevant funding sources to develop this work and support the development of organisational position statements, funding applications and internal and external research and publications.

As well as leading your own team, you will work across services to provide specialist advice and support on migrant homelessness, lead a network of advocates and champions, and sharing and developing best practice and ensure our approach is consistent with our values

Externally you’ll link with key networks and people locally and nationally, creating a communication channel that ensures we are at the forefront of evidence based practice and intelligence that we can use to end migrant homelessness, as well as being an ambassador for the organisation and representing SCS at a local and national level on asylum, destitution, refugee homelessness and immigration control.

This role will also lead on the development of active participation of people we support, and continuous evaluation of work we do.

Key Responsibilities

Inclusion and Participation

Have a confident understanding of the impact of trauma on people's lives and their journey towards exclusion and homelessness, particularly understanding the causes and effects of migrant homelessness in Scotland

Empower and enable others through knowledge, skills, openness, no blame learning and consistent values based approach.

Able to deliver a program of shared learning with our community, teams and volunteers working with Learning and Development to build and maintain organisation-wide understanding and skills in relation to migrant homelessness

Competent and confident in using technology and digital communication in day to day practice connecting with people across the organisation.

Engages and involve people who are subject to immigration control, to develop services and practice

Recognises the need to develop gender sensitive responses that address the unique risks and vulnerabilities people present with

Warmth & Regard

Translate anti-oppression principles into service delivery

Recognise the impact of vicarious trauma and support both individual and team resilience.

Recognises and values everyone equally, recognising that discrimination affects people unequally

Take difficult decisions sensitively and with due regard to others

Take a calm, professional and intelligent approach to stigma and structural racism

Supportive & Ambitious

Lead the delivery and ongoing development of work on migrant homelessness with confidence and compassion

Provide specialist advice to individuals and teams on migrant homelessness

Provide specialist training to staff, volunteers and service users on a range of issues on migrant homelessness and be at the forefront of shaping our approach.

Enable the organisation and the teams to work creatively, purposely and deliberately within the current limitation of the UKs immigration legislation and the devolved context.

Partnership & Collaboration

Ability to translate evidence into practice and outcomes

Passionate advocate and committed to supporting people through change positively

Able to engage and communicate with all key partners positively and with confidence

Influences but also understands the values and perspectives of others

Attend and connect with existing networks on a local and national basis eg NACCOM

Personalised and Creative

Be able to view migrant homelessness within the wider context of homelessness in Scotland, and integrate where possible with health and wellbeing initiatives.

Innovative and solution focused, creating support to enable teams to deliver excellent, quality services

Confident in leading groups, training, discussions and getting across the key messages and approach, which you will shape.

Adaptable and flexible to meet the needs of the people we support

Demonstrate and promotes resilience in self and employees, especially in crisis situations

Digital Responsibilities

There are three expectations we have of you. You must:

Embrace technology in delivering your role,

Support clients, staff and volunteers to become digitally included, and

Play an active role in our social media strategy

Some of the people we support have little experience and knowledge of the internet and using email. You will be expected to help them connect, understand and be safe whilst promoting digital inclusion for people furthest away from the digital age.

Our Management Information system is Netsuite. You will be trained in using Netsuite and its application. Our operating platform is GSuite, a cloud based system that will allow you to file share, collaborate, communicate, meet and access the organisation remotely. We will provide you with a chromebook and android smartphone to do this.

We use various forms of social media to inform, communicate, gather support and share what we do including websites, youtube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We expect everyone to share what we do through these media outlets and create blogs, videos, information pieces and news items. We get a huge amount of support from people and organisations so we want to share what we do as a result of that support.

Application notes

To apply please visit our website

CLOSING DATE: 5pm, Monday 17th June 2024

Short initial online interviews with long-listed candidates are expected to take place on Thursday 20th June 2024

If you’d like to talk to someone about this post please email
