Therapeutic Grief Practitioner (Children and young people)

  • Part time
  • £26,431 pro-rata
  • On site: Pentagon Centre, Washington Street Glasgow
  • Closing 2nd March 2025

  • Advertised from 5th February 2025
  • 24 hours per week.


Richmond’s Hope was founded in 2003 in the Craigmillar area of Edinburgh and is a charity that supports children and young people aged 4-18 who have experienced a bereavement. We offer tailored one-to-one support for children and young people once a week for an average of 12 weeks. Children and young people are seen in an age-appropriate space to suit their age and stage of development. The children who come to Richmond’s Hope have experienced the bereavement of a significant person in their life that has negatively impacted upon their physical and mental health.

The successful candidate for this position should have experience of working in childcare, education, health, playwork or another relevant discipline.

Richmond’s Hope will provide a comprehensive induction and training programme which will include training in the methodology of Richmond’s Hope. Working as part of the staff team of Richmond’s Hope at our Glasgow base in the city centre you will provide bereavement support to children and young people aged 4 to 18 years.

Applicants should have enthusiasm and vision for the work of the organisation, excellent interpersonal skills and be able to work as part of a team.

Application Form, Job Description and Person Specification are all available for download below or you can request by email.

The post is part time for 24 hours per week. Working days will include Thursday, otherwise by agreement with line management. The Glasgow base operates Monday 9-5, Tuesday and Thursday 9-8, Friday 9-5 and is closed on Wednesday.

Application notes

Informal enquiries can be directed to Rachel Boyd, Senior Therapeutic Grief Practitioner, Glasgow Base 0141 230 6123;

Curriculum Vitae will not be accepted in lieu of a completed Application Form. Please submit your application by email to

Closing date for applications is Sunday 2nd March 2025 at midnight. Interviews will be held on Monday 24th March 2025.
