Special conditions:
To contribute to the delivery of LGBT+ services with young people across Midlothian and East Lothian. This involves supporting the development and co-facilitation of MYPAS run LGBT+ groups with young people.
This will include delivering:
We are looking for someone who has experience of working with young people in a range of settings and has a good knowledge of the issues affecting LGBT+ young people.
Applications to be in by 12 noon on Monday the 17th of February.
For an application pack please download the documents and return the completed application and equal opportunities monitoring forms to enquiries@mypas.co.uk.
For informal enquiries please phone Paul Hunter on 07762723475.
Midlothian Young Peoples Advice Service (MYPAS)
Website: mypas.co.uk
Promoting the health and wellbeing of young people in East Lothian and Midlothian
Company No: 201002, Scottish Charity No: SCO29543