Justice Advocacy Practitioner (Maternity Cover)

  • Part time
  • £28,687 pro-rata
  • On site: Hamilton
  • Closing 22nd April 2025

  • Advertised from 19th March 2025
  • 10 months fixed term. 28 hours per week.


All posts we recruit require a female applicant under Schedule 9, Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, and Part 1. Section 7(2) e of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975.

Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre (LRCC); established in 2004, is an independent charity with the objective of relieving the distress and improving the welfare of women and girls who, at any time in their lives, have been subjected to any form of sexual violence. LRCC works collaboratively with 17 Rape Crisis Centres across Scotland who also adhere to National Service Standards.

Today we deliver on the following:

  • Provide trauma informed therapeutic support to women and girls who have experienced rape and all forms of sexual violence (aged 12+) as well as their friends, family, partners and workers. We also provide crisis support options for male survivors and survivors of all gender identities.
  • Provide advocacy support to those considering or engaging with the criminal justice process; there are 4 justice advocacy practitioner positions currently operating in Lanarkshire. The team manager provides induction, training and ongoing support to this post.
  • Work in partnership with communities, partner agencies and other key stakeholders to improve understanding of gender-based violence, provide trauma informed responses to survivors of sexual violence and develop community level prevention initiatives
  • Delivers prevention work with young people as part of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Prevention Programme. rapecrisisscotland.org.uk/prevention and specific prevention project work funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Background Information: National Advocacy Service

The National Advocacy Service is funded by the Scottish Government, with the fund being administered by Rape Crisis Scotland and delivered by local rape crisis centres. The service aims to provide support and advocacy to survivors who have engaged or are considering engaging with the criminal justice system following a sexual crime. You can read more about the National Advocacy project here rapecrisisscotland.org.uk/national-advocacy-project

The broad objectives are:

  • An improvement in the support available to survivors of rape and serious sexual crime
  • An improvement in the experience of the criminal justice process for survivors of rape and serious sexual crime
  • The development of a better understanding of motivations whether or not to proceed within the criminal justice process, and what difference advocacy support makes to this decision.

The Centre is based in central Hamilton; however, justice advocacy practitioners spend parts of their working time in locations such as court buildings and police stations. This post is funded by the Scottish Government and is classed as maternity cover for a period of 10 months.

Purpose of the post:

The overall aim of this post is to provide support and justice advocacy to survivors who are engaged, or considering engaging, with the criminal justice system following an experience of sexual violence.

Application notes

A recruitment pack can be downloaded below.

Please note that the deadline for completed applications is 9am on Tuesday 22nd April. Interviews will be held on Thursday 1st May. Due to limited resources, we will only contact you if you have been shortlisted for interview. All shortlisted candidates will be contacted by email by Thursday 24th April.

Please note that we do not accept CVs. The full application form should be completed and emailed to recruitment@lanrcc.org.uk. The equal opportunities monitoring form should be completed by applicants online at: forms.office.com/e/m3d5SXy85m

All posts we recruit require a female applicant under Schedule 9, Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, and Part 1. Section 7(2) e of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975.

We look forward to receiving your application. If you have queries that are not answered within the application pack, please get in touch on recruitment@lanrcc.org.uk


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