We wish to appoint a Facilities & Maintenance Officer to join our Operations Team at our Head Office in Glasgow city centre.
Our Facilities & Maintenance Officer will have responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of all Glasgow City Mission premises, the coordination of the cyclical and plant maintenance tasks, provide delivery of maintenance and minor work for all contractors, and act as site coordinator as required. In addition, ensure all equipment including vehicles are maintained, manage storage facilities on and off site, arrange pickup and deliveries as required and assist our Project Team with practical support for our guests.
This position will require membership of the PVG scheme.
Because of the faith-based nature of our work, applicants should be in sympathy with the ethos and values of Glasgow City Mission.
To apply, please visit our website to read the job description and return a completed application form with your CV to info@glasgowcitymission.com with the subject line Job Ref 25FMO by Friday 25 April.