About us
Anyone working in Throughcare and Aftercare will already know who we are and what we do. That we have a strong reputation for living our values and are well respected for our approach to co-design with care experienced young people transitioning into adulthood, care leavers, and the workforce that supports them.
For anyone else reading this advert, you should know that we are Scotland’s only national charity and membership organisation for all those working with young people leaving care. We have a unique blend of statutory, third sector and private sector members who have the responsibility and accountability to improve the life chances of Scotland's care-experienced young people, and we support them through the following 5 pillars of our strategic plan:
At the centre of all our work is the voice of young people/adults leaving care and making the change to the system, policy and practice that will allow them to live happy successful lives on their own terms.
As we orientate to delivering on the Promise in 2024 and beyond, and to ensure the rights and voices of care experienced people and the workforce around them are heard, we are building capacity into the operational management of our team to accelerate our strategic priorities.
So if Staf sounds like the type of organisation you would like to contribute to; if you are open to working hard to support the internal culture and approach to being part of a small team that has each other’s back to deliver on our strategic priorities as you do the work itself; and if you have the required skills and experience to ‘hit the ground running’ then we would love to hear from you.
In return we can offer you the salary, annual leave and pension contribution outlined in each job description; flexibility over work base; an internal organisational culture committed to space for reflective supervision and team committed to working in a trauma-informed way and living our Values, We Listen. We Care. We Love.
A job description and application form can be downloaded below
Read more about this role and apply here.
Alternatively, please send your completed application form to HR@staf.scot by 12 noon on Friday 4 April.
We cannot accept CVs.
Interviews are planned for Tuesday 22 or Wednesday 23 April.