Working closely with the small team at SIDA, this post will promote the work of SIDA through the provision of
high-quality digital communication to our members, external stakeholders and the general public, and provide
logistical, digital and administrative support for a range of member events including our annual
The Communications and Events Coordinator will develop engaging content for use across SIDA’s digital platforms,
including SIDA Member Hub, and be proactive in finding new ways to share messages and reach a wider
The post will contribute to a variety of projects and initiatives, and a willingness to collaborate and work closely
and flexibly with colleagues is essential.
About Scotland's International Development Alliance
Scotland’s International Development Alliance is the membership body for everyone committed to creating a fairer
world, free from poverty, injustice and environmental threats.
Our work facilitates connections in global development to improve impact and effectiveness for a range of actors
including public sector bodies, third sector and international NGOs, private companies, universities and
charitable trusts.
Our network has a uniquely global reach, with members working in more than 100 countries with a wide range of
specialisms. We exist to improve the capacity, influence and effectiveness of those working on global
development connected to Scotland through providing opportunities for networking, debate, training and promotion
of good practice. We help members share their skills and learn from each other’s best practice to boost
effectiveness of our members and their partners
SIDA has excellent working terms including a 4 day week working pattern.