This vacancy has now closed

Communications and Supporter Care Administrator

  • Full time
  • £22,000 – £23,700
  • : Edinburgh
  • Closing 8th April 2024

  • Advertised from 22nd March 2024
  • Salary based on experience


Prostate Scotland, Scotland’s prostate disease charity is looking for an enthusiastic Communications and Supporter Care Administrator to help us in our communications, supporter care and fundraising. Prostate Scotland is a busy active charity working across Scotland to inform, support and advance on prostate cancer and disease. You will play an important role in helping to look after our supporters and fundraisers, assisting with our communications and sending out merchandise to people supporting the charity.

This role will involve:

•Providing support to and administering local level giving and liaising with fundraisers in taking forward activities in aid of Prostate Scotland

•Supporting active fundraisers throughout their fundraising journey

•Administering donations and assisting with communications to supporters

•Helping on the development of fundraising and marketing materials and plans to promote Prostate Scotland’s work

•Ensuring that we have up-to-date information on our Customer Relationship Management System.

•Developing, sourcing, managing and dispatching stocks of branded fundraising merchandise and sending these out to our supporters

•Assisting with the co-ordination and development of communications activity with supporters and service users as part of communications and supporter care team

•Assisting with writing content for social media and website.

Your good people skills will assist us in working with local fundraisers and supporters to help develop fundraising for Prostate Scotland in communities and in events across the Scotland. You will also have the opportunity to attend and represent Prostate Scotland at local fundraising and supporter external events.

This new post will play an important role in supporting the charity’s communications and fundraising by providing support to and administering local level giving and donations and fundraising events and liaising with fundraisers in taking forward activities in aid of prostate Scotland. The role also will involve helping administer donations and assisting with communications with supporters, along with helping on the development of fundraising materials and plans to promote Prostate Scotland’s work.

Good administrative, IT and digital skills will be important. Prior knowledge of prostate cancer and disease is not required (though helpful) and training about this will be provided.

Occasional travel in Scotland will be required. Management of the post will be from the charity’s Communications and Supporter Care Manager. The post is available on a two-year contract.

Application notes

An application pack is available for download below.

Closing date midday Monday 8th April.

Interviews begin the 22nd April.
