Almond Housing Association
Almond Housing Association

Charity registered in Scotland SC031696

Almond Housing Association is the largest Housing Association in West Lothian. During the past ten years we have provided new affordable homes for more than 1800 people. From our start as a fledgling Housing Association running management services for the Livingston Development Corporation (LDC), achieving tenant ballot success, gaining more and more experience in building homes and communities, we have become the largest Housing Association in West Lothian

Current vacancies

Board vacancies: Almond Housing Association and Almond Enterprises Limited

  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • On site: West Lothian
  • Closing 24th February 2025

Do you have the passion and drive to make a positive difference to tenants and communities, and lead the largest West Lothian based Housing Association on its journey from good to great?

Almond Housing Association is based in Livingston and has an exciting opportunity for the right individual to join its Board of Management. We also have positions available on the Board of our subsidiary company, Almond Enterprises Limited. These are voluntary roles with no financial remuneration however travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Almond Housing Association

Almond HA owns over 2,500 properties, 655 garages, and delivers a factoring service for 176 properties. With a rental income in excess of £13m and over 45 employees, Almond HA is a values-driven organisation with a mission to deliver ‘homes, people and communities to be proud of’. We are looking for enthusiastic, community-minded and suitably skilled individuals to join our Board of Management, which is responsible for overall governance and financial management, business development and growth, investment in housing, related services and its people.

Commitment and relevant experience are valued as much as knowledge and qualifications. The successful applicant will be required to work with fellow Board members and the senior team and have an ability to grasp complex issues quickly, make considered and informed decisions and have the ability to challenge constructively in a Board environment.

Applicants will be required to demonstrate ability and a proven track record in their chosen profession or other relevant experience. To complement the existing range of expertise on the Board and to fill a recent vacancy, we would be particularly keen to hear from applicants that have professional or personal experience in the following area which also supports our new 5-year Business Plan which will launch in April 2025:

• Development and regeneration

Additional skills and experience in the following areas would also be welcomed:

• Tenant perspective/customer focus

• Digital – technical aspects and cyber security

Almond HA Board members are expected to attend evening meetings five times during the year, and two strategy meetings at our Livingston office. Additionally, Board members are expected to undertake relevant training from time to time. An Induction programme, training and Board ‘buddy’ will be provided. The successful applicant will join the Board to fill a recent casual vacancy.


Board vacancies: Almond Enterprises Limited

  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • Remote: Livingstone
  • Closing 24th February 2025

Almond Enterprises Limited (AEL) is seeking Board Members from candidates with a keen interest in driving the strategic direction and growth of the organisation to maximise its benefit to the local community. This is a voluntary role with no financial remuneration however travel expenses will be reimbursed.

AEL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Almond HA, and is an established social enterprise, working for over fifteen years to provide cleaning and environmental services throughout West Lothian.

Much has been achieved by AEL since its inception, however we recognise that it has the ability and resources to do much more. As a subsidiary of Almond HA, it has the ability to deliver real impact within the community and to assist the parent company in achieving the aims of its community impact strategy.

The subsidiary receives support from the Almond HA Board and senior management team. Almond HA delivers large programmes of planned and cyclical maintenance works and there is significant opportunity for AEL to deliver additional workstreams. We are also keen to create training and employability opportunities for our local communities. AEL is a Real Living Wage employer, and it is proposed that as the scope of services increase the terms and conditions offered to the team will be enhanced.

Having recently appointed a new Chair of the AEL Board, the roles of Board member represent an exciting opportunity to help lead AEL through a period of significant growth as it looks to realise its significant potential and increase its considerable positive impact within West Lothian. Commitment, enthusiasm and relevant experience are valuable assets. We would welcome all applications and particularly from those with knowledge or experience in the following areas which will help deliver our new 3-year Business Plan which will launch this year:

• Managing and delivering property related services

• Finance

• Legal

• Third sector knowledge

Ideally, we are looking for individuals with an appetite and drive to help AEL increase its activity and range of services. We would love to hear from you if you think you can bring added value, experience, and leadership to the Board. Previous experience as a Board member is not required as induction and training will be provided. The Board currently meets remotely twice each year and twice in person – in the early evening.
