Langside Sports Club

Charity registered in Scotland SC049764

Langside Sports Club (SC049764) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation and a registered Glasgow Life Community Sports Club, which provides quality opportunities for multi-sports activities, recreation, hospitality, bio-diversity and volunteering for its members and the wider community to experience and enjoy at Albert Park in Glasgow's Southside, a space designated by Glasgow City Council as a ‘Site of Importance to Nature Conservation’ SINC.

Current vacancies


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • Hybrid: Glasgow
  • Closing 30th April 2025

Langside Sports Club (SCIO) is recruiting a Chair, to support and guide the existing Board of Trustees through the next phase of the Club's operation. The Club has evolved over several years into a well established facility for the community, financially stable and with ambition to extend the use of the grounds while in balance with nature and the unique and tranquil setting of the club.

For this role the Club is looking to recruit an external person, who can bring a range of experiences which can guide the Club through the strategic, day to day decisions and support the development of the club for all to enjoy.

Chair role requires around 10-12 hrs per month, with time to prepare and attend meetings.

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