Community Renewal Trust is a values-led, dynamic and innovative organisation at the cutting-edge of work towards
ending persistent poverty in Scotland. With 45 staff in three neighbourhoods and running two social enterprises
there is always lots of impact and interesting learning.
Community Renewal works among deprived communities to develop, deliver and share better approaches to proactively
find the right people in the right places where transformative and empowering work can make the most difference.
These approaches always place people and communities in the lead: listening to them, identifying their
strengths, supporting them on their terms, and building their capacity to flourish.
Community Renewal alleviates poverty by engaging and forming trusting relationships with individuals, whole families
and whole communities together then supporting them by combining holistic case management (e.g. around income,
work, health, wellness) with community development (e.g. forming new community activities/groups). This work is
about testing change which can inform policy, be scaled up or replicated to achieve a much greater impact than
our direct delivery alone.
A set of core values guides all the work of Community Renewal:
• TRUSTING – Our impact is built on choosing to place trust in people.
• TRUSTWORTHY – Our trustworthiness is what makes our relationships grow.
• LEARNING – Our charity is about learning so we celebrate success but also appreciate failure
• BUILDING ON STRENGTHS – Our aim is always to build on strengths: we reject paternalism
• ALONGSIDE COMMUNITIES – Our aim is always to stay alongside people for as long as it takes.
• ACHIEVING PREVENTION – Our choice is to be proactive so we can achieve prevention, build resilience and find the
right people at the right time.
• INSPIRING TRANSFORMATION – Our focus is always inspiring towards transformation, rather than incremental
This role is part of the Community Renewal Lifting Neighbourhoods Together team. This team brings together community
workers and transformative caseworkers with specialist knowledge of different ways to support people in deprived
neighbourhoods – for example welfare rights, employability, community food and health/mental health.
A five year grant from National Lottery Community Fund is core to enabling this team to operate in a different
methodology which is deeply aligned with Community Renewal Trust’s core approach and values as described
This role is a fixed term activity to:
- Recruit a cohort of additional volunteers to support activities and services in the community.
- Ensure the best possible support is available to existing volunteers in the area to consider their needs and
- Create an effective volunteer recruitment, on-boarding and retention process and increase knowledge in the team of
these topics.
- Provide training and support training to volunteers in leading listening conversations and holistic
- Learn from work in Walker to make good use of volunteers in a Lifting Neighbourhoods Together approach and share
this with the team.