This vacancy has now closed


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • On site: Edinburgh
  • Closing 4th June 2024

  • Advertised from 7th May 2024


Are you looking for an opportunity to use your skills to make a difference to the environment, local communities and Edinburgh as a whole? An opportunity has arisen to join our trustees!

You will be interested in joining ECCAN’s trustees if you have a personal commitment to supporting any climate or nature action.

ECCAN is looking to co-opt trustees. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to supporting community-led action in Edinburgh; to address the climate and nature emergency in ways that create a just, thriving and resilient city.

A recently established charity, the trustees are responsible for facilitating the community-led development of a strategy and a long-term plan, and making decisions to oversee the running of ECCAN. The Charity has received a year’s start up funding from the Scottish Government, and trustees will be responsible for:

- providing leadership, direction, and advice to the ECCAN staff team;

- designing, inviting applications for, and distributing community funding;

- securing the charity’s long-term organisational and financial future.

trustees contribute to the delivery of ECCAN Mission Statement. This is a volunteer role that will provide the right candidate with the opportunity to be an integral part of our dedicated team and make a positive impact in Edinburgh, its communities, and environment.


ECCAN supports community-led action in Edinburgh to address the climate and nature emergency and work for a just, thriving and resilient city.

Our network empowers individuals and community groups, providing resources, support, and opportunities for meaningful climate and environmental action.

ECCAN was set up in May 2022 and we have now grown to be a network of 247 members including 76 community groups. Our dedication is to the environment and to members, operating to constantly recognise and respond to our community’s needs.


Terms of Office

- Trustees will be co-opted until the next election at the Annual General Meeting in November 2024

- This is a voluntary position, but reasonable expenses are reimbursed i.e. childcare, travel etc.

Time Commitment

  • Around seven hours per month, of which trustees meetings lasting two hours every
  • month.
  • Attending relevant subgroups

Application notes

To enquire about this exciting and rewarding role, please email ECCAN Network Lead
