Lived Experience Project Worker (Part Time)

  • Part time
  • £34,314 pro-rata
  • Remote: Home based, with some travel where required.
  • Closing 28th April 2025

  • Advertised from 13th March 2025
  • 28 hours per week (0.8 FTE = £27,450 per annum). Working hours to be agreed, flexible. Due to the timing of our groups, some evening work will be required as an essential part of this role (average 1-2 / week). 12 months contract (with a view to extension, funding dependent)


SWAN is an autistic-led Charity run for and by autistic women, girls and non-binary people across Scotland.

The post holder will deliver a range of neuro-affirming services and support for autistic women and non-binary people, as well as training and workshops for professionals and allies wishing to develop their knowledge and understanding of autistic people.

The postholder will have at least 2 years’ relevant experience (e.g. group facilitation, 1-2-1 support, peer support, training delivery and/or working with autistic people or other marginalised communities).

For this Lived Experience role, it is essential that the Project Worker is autistic (by formal diagnosis or self-identified). You will need to be comfortable with openly disclosing and discussing related experiences in group and open online sessions, public and professional meetings and in a training context.

SWAN is a small but very active Charity, so multitasking, time management skills, and the ability to prioritise tasks and function well at busy times are key. The role is interesting and varied and there are opportunities to develop the post in line with your strengths and skills.

SWAN offers staff a neuro-inclusive working environment, and takes a proactive, neuro-affirming approach to adjustments, support and flexible working which seeks to remove barriers and enable you to work to the best of your strengths and abilities.

You can find more information about SWAN on our website and in our Strategy.

Application notes

Download the Recruitment Pack for full details of what the role involves, the skills and experience we are looking for, and what SWAN can offer you as an employer.

To apply for the role, please email us:

  • Your CV – focusing on relevant experience
  • A Covering Letter (of 1 to 2 pages) outlining your relevant skills and experience and your suitability for the role, based on the information in the Recruitment Pack

Please email your CV and Covering Letter, as attached documents, to:

Interviews will be held on 13th and 14th May. Interview questions will be provided in advance.

CLOSING DATE for APPLICATIONS: 8am Monday 28th April 2025.


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