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Parish Assistant

  • Full time
  • £29,535 – £33,389
  • On site: Aberdeen South Parish, Presbytery of the North East and Northern Isles
  • Closing 31st March 2025

  • Advertised from 11th March 2025


Could you be part of something different? We have an exciting opportunity for a motivated and enthusiastic individual to use their gifts, skills and experience to make a difference to the lives of the people in our parishes and communities.

We are seeking an MDS Parish Assistant to join our ministry team, providing worship and pastoral care alongside the Parish Minister, with an additional focus on pioneering new forms of worship or fresh expressions of Church in Cove, Charleston, Torry and Kincorth. We are looking for someone who will bring enthusiasm and energy to the role.

A recruitment pack is available here.

Application notes

Applications should be sent by email to and must be received by 12 noon on the closing date.

Applications should comprise:

  • A personal statement, outlining how your skills, experiences and personal qualities match the requirements of the role outlined in the job description. Please provide reference contact details for your last two periods of employment (this would normally be your direct line manager/supervisor). If you have had more than two employers in the last three years, please provide referee contact details for that period. References will not be contacted until later in the process.
  • A full CV, including educational and professional qualifications alongside a full employment history showing positions held, responsibilities and relevant achievements.
  • A personal information form, to be downloaded and attached.

Applications without a CV, personal statement and personal information form will not be taken forward in the process.

Each document should be a maximum of two sides of A4. For more information on any of our roles, please contact

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