Beatroute Arts seeks a dynamic, highly motivated individual to join the team in this full-time role. An experienced manager of people and of assets, and with a keen knowledge of community- ownership, you will be a self-starter, comfortable working under your own initiative to uphold the values of community-led practice. You will have the knowledge, experience and passion to develop the Beatroute Arts Centre and its assets (a Glasgow Subway carriage and a solar- powered mobile recording studio!) to reach their full potential as community-owned resources, including maximising routes to income generation. You will not only have the ability to think strategically, but also a keen eye for detail in the day-to-day; you will work well as part of a small team, contributing your ideas, knowledge and experience across a wide range of duties which encompass not just the development of Beatroute Arts as charity, but also the essential day-to-day maintenance and back-shop work which ensure its resilience. You will be an effective manager, supporting the Venue Assistant in their duties as their designated Line Manager, co- ordinating the cleaning team and third party contractors as necessary. You will have the ability to think ‘outside the box’, bringing your creative ideas to the fore, whilst also being pragmatic, methodical and thorough in your management of systems and processes.
Written Application:
Candidates are asked to carefully read through the application information provided and send an up-to-date C.V and a Personal Statement* no longer than two sides of A4 to:
* Referring to the job description, person spec and the aims, objectives and organisational outcomes of Beatroute Arts (please see Beatroute Information sheet), candidates should write a personal statement which tells us how you will bring your knowledge, experience and passion to this role. Where possible, candidates should use examples of past work and/or experience to demonstrate their suitability for the role.
The deadline for applications is 10/03/2025 at 10am. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Candidates selected for interview will be informed by the 14/03/2025.
The recruitment process will involve:
*The focus of the presentation will be relayed to candidates when they are notified that they have been selected for 2nd stage interview
Stage 1 interviews will take place on the 20th and 21st March 2025
Stage 2 interviews will take place w/c: 31/03/2025