This vacancy has now closed


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • Glasgow
  • Closing 3rd February 2024

  • Advertised from 3rd January 2024


Articulate Cultural Trust was established in 2017 to make sure children with care experience can have a positive childhood. Our purpose is to improve the lives of the young people by scaffolding their innate curiosity and creativity. We provide direct support through the arts for well-being, to build skills and give a voice and platform to children and young people in and those who have left care and who share our vision, mission and passion for creativity as a tool for social, educational, and economic health.

​The Change We Commit To:

Articulate’s vision is for a nation in which the talents of all young people can truly shine, in a society where there are no barriers to creative participation. Our mission is to provide equality of opportunity for marginalised citizens by removing barriers to their enjoyment of and participation in the arts, exploring creative potential and engaging with our contemporary cultural landscape.

​What We Do:

Articulate is a niche and specialist charity that has equality, diversity and inclusion at its core and co-designs services that benefit Scotland’s most vulnerable young people, specifically those who are or have experienced care, homeless, seeking asylum, at risk, or living in poverty in our most challenged communities.

We promote quality and excellence through creative learning and by ensuring diverse and marginalised potential is discovered, nurtured and supported thereby also contributing to the diversification of the creative industries.

How We Do It:

Through our access, participation and employability projects, Articulate improves the well-being, achievement, and attainment of young people of all backgrounds. Articulate works with the most skilled artists in Scotland, across all art-forms and inclusively with children at all ages and stages of their social, educational and emotional development. We deliver highly creative programmes for children that focus on developing positive outcomes for learning, for life and in preparation for the world of work.

​Trustee Recruitment

​Articulate is looking to recruit new Trustees to support the development of the charity's strategic direction, quality assurance, risk management, fund-raising and good governance in line with our ambitious ten-year plan.

We would like to hear from any interested individuals who have the time and commitment to support our activities. In particular, we seek younger applicants and people with care experienced backgrounds and/or with education, human resources, mental health, IT or capital fundraising knowledge.

We would particularly benefit from input by people with lived experience of the care system and we'd also benefit hugely from the guidance of a Trustee from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background*. ACT is committed to diversity and inclusion but at present, we have no Trustees of colour. We are very keen to address this deficit and welcome applicants from ethnically diverse communities.

* We acknowledge that these terms are far from perfect and are following conversations closely in the sector.

A full Role Description is available for download below.

Application notes

For a more detailed discussion please contact Chief Executive, Eona Craig on 077 40 50 25 44. If you would like to apply then please submit your CV and a cover letter sharing what you would like to give and to get from any relationship with Articulate to
