This vacancy has now closed

LfCSP Referral Pathways Invitation to Tender

  • Other
  • Sessional
  • Online and in Levenmouth area
  • Closing 2nd June 2023

  • Advertised from 15th May 2023
  • We expect this project to take 16-22 days total, with a maximum budget of £8,000.00 (including VAT).


We are seeking a consultant to complete a research project looking to answer questions around referral pathways. This work will support our overall vision to end the need for emergency food provision by giving us a strong understanding of people’s journey to the food bank and informing next steps to take in our local community to support people experiencing crisis.

We are looking for a skilled researcher with a strong understanding of the complex issues surrounding food insecurity, financial crisis and destitution who can complete this work before August 2023.

Application notes

Further information is available in the Invitation to Tender document. which can be download below.

Closing Date: Friday 2nd June 5pm
