This vacancy has now closed

Top job! Lead: Student Experience And Insight

  • Full time
  • £34,000 – £39,000
  • Edinburgh
  • Closing 29th May 2023

  • Advertised from 19th May 2023


This exciting position has arisen as one of our Senior Management Team is going on maternity leave in the summer. We’re not just looking for a caretaker, but someone who wants to join us and deliver our new 2030 strategy with passion, fun and challenge.

Focussing on leading the team to deliver our 2030 strategy (or as we call it the BIG PLAN), the role is a twelve-month minimum fixed-term contract to cover maternity leave - but genuinely has the autonomy, budget and magic to make things happen.

The role will take the strategic priorities that relate to the role and deliver the key actions for that year which are reported to the Trustee board via the annual LITTLE PLAN. The role also has the responsibility of taking data, insight and feedback and using that to enhance delivery of the BIG PLAN priorities, or to make changes to current operations or services.

However, and this is the exciting element, HOW the plan is delivered is up for discussion. We can’t deliver services in the same way and expect different results: Our students want choice, how and when they access our services, digital options, self-service as well as quiet spaces to connect, socialise and relax.

Like most Student Unions demand is growing, but for different services now than in 2018. We must transform our delivery.

Our representation and democracy have elements that can be traced back 900 years with Elections. But how can we make these more relevant? How do we increase engagement with the Union? Do our new students know why we exist and how we can help?

We can’t rely on ‘what we used to do’ we must have actionable insight that makes a tangible difference to the student experience.

There is also the wider Senior Management team responsibility – we’re a small team so sometimes its sleeves rolled up for a colleague’s priority that will always benefit a student – if it doesn’t, we question why not?

This Job description doesn’t have 36 bullet points, but it does have 36+ people in the Union wanting you to make a difference by challenging the norm.

Full job description attached below

Application notes

Please email your CV and a cover letter explaining why you are the perfect person to join the team to

Application deadline: Mon 29 May 2023 17:00

We realise you may not have all the skills right now – that’s okay - and you’re more likely to be successful if you can tell us in your application what help you may need in your journey to greatness.

If you’d like an informal chat about the role, please contact Darrin Nightingale, Chief Executive Officer at
