Glasgow Care Foundation
Glasgow Care Foundation

Charity registered in Scotland SC000906

For over 150 years Glasgow Care Foundation has been assisting vulnerable families and individuals in Glasgow, who cannot get help from any other agency, with essential household items. We also support local community & school projects and distribute supermarket vouchers at Christmas.

Current vacancies


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • On site: Glasgow
  • Closing 28th March 2025

GCF is recruiting up to three new Trustees to replace members who are retiring from our Board over the next few months.

GCF’s Trustees work together to provide oversight to the organisation and support to the employees. We would particularly welcome applications from people with a background in issues related to poverty and inequality, teachers/social workers with experience of working with families in poverty and people with legal, financial or fundraising expertise.

There are a maximum of twelve Trustees. Trustees are initially appointed for up to 4 years and may be re-appointed for up to a further four years. New Trustees will be expected to join one of our three sub committees

The core aim of Glasgow Care Foundation (GCF) is to relieve poverty. Our mission is to help 10,000 people over the next decade. We provide essential household items to individuals and families in need, particularly to those who cannot receive assistance from other agencies. We also support key small local community and school projects throughout Glasgow. Details are available on our website

The Foundation has an investment portfolio of around £8m which is managed by external Investment Managers in accordance with the Board’s investment policy. Investment income of around £250k annually is used to fund grant giving and meet overhead expenses.

The Foundation has five part-time employees, a Welfare Officer, Trusts Manager, Fundraising & Business Development Assistant, Marketing Assistant and Accountant, who all work from home.

The Foundation has a Care Committee which supervises the Welfare work, the Marketing Committee which supervises the Trust, Fundraising & Marketing staff, and the Finance Committee who supervises financial control.

All new trustees will be supported through an induction and training programme to help you understand how our Board works, your responsibilities and to make sure you are comfortable and able to contribute successfully. More experienced Board Members will be available to support you. The role is voluntary and unpaid, but we hope that working with GCF will be a rewarding experience, helping to support vulnerable people in need.

Time Commitment

There are 6 Trustees’ meetings a year, in person usually at the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice in Glasgow. Meetings are currently at 11am on Mondays and last approximately 90 minutes. At meetings we discuss and decide on policy, strategy and governance issues, provide oversight of the Investment Managers, review our financial position and approve grant applications. The Care Committee and Marketing Committees also have short online meetings approximately six times a year in addition.

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