Glasgow City Mission
Glasgow City Mission

Charity registered in Scotland SC001499

Glasgow City Mission (GCM) is a Scottish Christian charity and the world's first City Mission. Since 1826, we have been showing compassion to vulnerable people and fight against poverty and disadvantage in Glasgow.

Current vacancies

Trusts and Communications Assistant

  • Full time
  • £28,000 – £33,000
  • On site: Head Office, 20 Crimea Street, Glasgow, G2 8PW.
  • Closing 4th July 2024

We wish to appoint a Trusts and Communications Assistant to join our Marketing and Fundraising Team in our Head Office in Glasgow city centre.

Our teams in three projects work daily to improve the lives of our guests, helping them to flourish and know fullness of life. The Trusts and Communications Assistant will join a fundraising team that generates the income to continue this work to transform lives of those affected by homelessness, poverty and addiction.

The Trusts and Communications Assistant will play a key role ensuring that much needed funds are received from trusts and foundations by writing and submitting applications, writing reports and completing documents for funders. In addition, writing skills and creativity will be used to create content for our magazine, news stories, website and social media posts.

This position will require membership of the PVG scheme.

Because of the faith-based nature of our work, applicants should be in sympathy with the ethos and values of Glasgow City Mission.
