Interfaith Scotland
Interfaith Scotland

Charity registered in Scotland SC029486

Making a difference through dialogue across Scotland's varied religious and belief communities.

Current vacancies

Top job! Director

  • Full time
  • £43,000
  • Hybrid: Office in Glasgow, occasionally homeworking
  • Closing 21st April 2025

Job Summary:

The Director is the key management leader for Interfaith Scotland and is responsible for the strategic development of its vision and purposes

Vision: To work together as people of faith for a just and inclusive Scotland


1. to provide a forum for faith communities in Scotland to dialogue with one another on matters of religious, national and civic importance

2. to provide face to face and virtual platforms to enrich and develop local, national and international interfaith dialogue, engagement and action

3. to promote educational activities in connection with interfaith relations

4. to encourage civic engagement by religious communities in Scotland

5. to support equality and human rights for individuals and communities with religion and belief as a protected characteristic.

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