Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis
Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis

Charity registered in Scotland SC006595

Since 1976 the Glasgow & Clyde Rape Crisis Centre has been providing free and confidential support to women and girls who have been raped, sexually assaulted or sexually abused, no matter when this has happened in their lives. For as long as the Glasgow & Clyde Rape Crisis Centre exists, we will be committed to providing services for women and girls and challenging the attitudes that support and condone male violence against women. We support women whether or not they have reported the incident to the police. We are based in Glasgow but also offer services to women in Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire and Inverclyde. GCRCC knows that women and girls of all ages and backgrounds experience rape and sexual assault, and it can happen at any time in their lives. Because this is usually perpetrated by men they know, women and girls often don’t report due to fear, shame or the feeling that they will be blamed or not believed.

Current vacancies

This is a key role in Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis Centre’s Core service that provides specific support services to girls and women. The role requires a strong commitment to anti-discriminatory and equality work and must demonstrate experience working directly with girls and women. The post holder will be comfortable and confident in representing the service externally across agencies. Experience and understanding of working within an organisation within a feminist, equality, and human rights framework is preferable for this role. Joining an already established team, this role will work for the Service Manager for the Project whilst also being accountable for maintaining and applying the values, principles and competencies for the role to the Director of the Centre. This role is possible due to finding received from Delivering Equally Safe.

Location: Glasgow City Centre Head Office and community bases in Glasgow, Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire, East Dunbartonshire, and West Dunbartonshire

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