
Charity registered in Scotland SC041299

Fighting for a world where every animal’s life matters.

Current vacancies

Top job! CEO

  • Full time
  • £57,750
  • Hybrid: Scotland/Edinburgh with travel
  • Closing 19th March 2025

OneKind is Scotland’s voice for animals. OneKind was founded in 1911 to advance animal welfare, the protection of animals from cruelty and the prevention of animal suffering. Our vision is for people to live in harmony with animals, ending cruelty in Scotland and working with others to deliver better animal welfare across the UK and globally. We achieve this by giving animals a voice through campaigning and lobbying for laws that will protect animals forever, and by inspiring people to make changes in their lives to reduce their negative impact on animals.

As CEO you will lead the OneKind team, developing and delivering high-profile and impactful campaigns and research, and continuing to grow support and fundraising income for OneKind.

Reporting to and working with the Board of Trustees, you will ensure OneKind meets the highest standards of governance and provide the staff team and volunteers with an inspiring and supportive working environment.

Key Objectives of the job:

• Provide strategic vision and leadership for OneKind, within the direction agreed with the Board of Trustees.

• Ensure that the charitable purposes of OneKind are followed.

• Take overall responsibility for OneKind’s management and administration within the governance and accountability frameworks agreed with the Board of Trustees.

• Ensure that the Board receives advice, recommendations and information in an effective, thorough and timely manner.

We’re a small charity with a very big impact. Our successes have included a ban on the mass killing of mountain hares, the ban on the use of snares and glue traps, greater regulation of the killing of wild animals on grouse moors. We carry-out pioneering work on the ethical principles of the killing of wild animals and award-winning campaigning on greyhound racing.

OneKind is also at the forefront in the high-level conversations regarding farmed animal welfare and is campaigning specifically on the ending of farrowing crates for pigs.

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