Neilston Windfarm Legacy SCIO
Neilston Windfarm Legacy SCIO

Charity registered in Scotland SC048161

The purpose of NWL is to advance community development within the G78 3 postcode area (what we call ‘the community’) by giving financial support to a range of projects and initiatives. The aim is to give the people of Neilston a unique and exciting opportunity to take an active part in shaping, developing and sustaining the environmental, human, cultural, recreational and economic assets of our community.

Current vacancies


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • On site: Neilston
  • Closing 24th April 2025

About Us

Neilston Windfarm Legacy SCIO (NWL) is a small independent local charity which awards grants from a Legacy fund for sustainable community projects which aim to improve the lives of Neilston residents and enhance the village environment. It was founded in 2018 by Neilston Development Trust (NDT) from the sizeable profits arising from the sale of their share in a local community wind farm.

For more information visit:

NWL is run by a small voluntary Board of Trustees, comprising a maximum of six. However, the Board uses a firm of independent financial advisers with specialist knowledge of the charity sector to manage and invest the Legacy funds on its behalf. The Board also engages independent accountancy and legal services, as and when required. No fund raising activities are undertaken.

Trustee Vacancies

Our Trustees serve for a three year term and may serve for a maximum of two terms consecutively, after which the constitution requires them to step down. We are always keen to hear from anyone who might be interested in joining the NWL Board and we particularly wish to encourage general enquiries from Neilston residents.

Current Vacancy

The Trustee fulfilling the role of Treasurer is due to step down from the Board this year, so we need to find a successor. This is a voluntary position, as Trustees cannot receive payment for their services to the charity. However it is a role that someone keen to support the community of Neilston should find very interesting and rewarding.

The Board is seeking someone with a professional background in accounting or finance to report on the financial position of the charity and to provide advice and support to the Trustees. You will participate in the evaluation of grant applications from the community and guide the Board on its strategic financial planning. This post may particularly suit someone who is approaching retirement, or else anyone who is mid-career but who is also able to commit some time to voluntary work.

Full details are available on the Role Profile below.

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