Dundee Therapy Garden
Dundee Therapy Garden

Charity registered in Scotland SC046484

We are a small charity that supports military and emergency service veterans who struggle with mental and physical health problems.

Current vacancies


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • On site: Dundee
  • Closing 27th February 2025

We are a small charity that supports military and emergency service veterans who struggle with mental and physical health problems. The therapy team work in a garden site in Dundee. Management functions are carried out by 5 trustees who work from home but are encouraged to drop into the garden to chat with therapists and veterans. We are looking for a trustee to join this management team as Secretary/Administrator with responsibility for meetings, record keeping and ensuring that the trustees meet the duties and obligations set out by OSCR. Time commitment is up to the individual and their availability. Salary and account functions are carried out by the auditors and the treasurer. A background in management would be useful. The charity has a good record of success helping veterans and a sound reputation for administration.

Who we are

The charity aims to help veterans recover their health to a level that enables them to return to work, further education/training or an acceptable level of independent living. Staff also collaborate with a range of local support agencies to address problems such as finance, housing, mobility limitations, abuse, employment, training and physical health. Staff have created a dedicated therapeutic space where veterans feel safe and are able to engage in a wide range of activities to suit individual needs and abilities. The site is run by 3 qualified therapy staff, a fundraiser and a gardener. The charity is comfortable supporting 16 veterans and their families at any one time.


All beneficiaries engage voluntarily. Most are slow to seek support and need help to understand their problems. Some have a history of substance abuse and require the help of primary care GP services. A fear of crowded places can stop veterans attending crucial medical appointments so that they fall through the safety net provided by the NHS. Social isolation is common. Aided by the therapy team, veterans are encouraged to complete any NHS treatments offered, reconnect with family, friends and community and make new friends in the garden. Former beneficiaries are welcome to return for further support.

Our search

Two DTG trustees have been with the charity since it began in 2016. We are looking for a new trustee to inject fresh ideas and up to date skills. With the help of the Scottish Tech Army, the charity has recently upgraded its IT systems to enhance security, enable remote access and set up role specific email accounts. We have a strong, well qualified team running the Garden and want to ensure that the management team continues to have the right strengths and skills to support them.
