Stirling District Citizens Advice Bureau
Stirling District Citizens Advice Bureau

Charity registered in Scotland SC007270

Stirling District Citizens Advice Bureau is a local, independent charity which provides free, impartial and confidential advice and information to give you the tools you need to sort out any issues or problems.

Current vacancies

Tackling Rural Isolation Support Service Outreach Worker

  • Full time
  • £29,616
  • On site: Based Stirling CAB & extensive travel throughout North and West Stirling District
  • Closing 17th January 2025

Main Purpose:

To break the cycle of food bank dependency by building financial capacity, energy capability and independent living skills within the target community; reducing social isolation, tackling poverty and inequality, reducing social drift, building community cohesion and developing community capacity and resilience.

Roles & responsibilities

The post-holder will support TRI (Tackling Rural Isolation) Outreach Support Service users to achieve increased financial capacity, become energy capable and develop independent living skills, by providing bespoke advice, support & advocacy as follows:

  • Assistance with mitigating the impact of the cost of living crisis and maximising income.
  • Help with financial and digital inclusion: support to access bank accounts & to digitally access cheaper services to free up income and build digital capacity, confidence and savings.
  • Support to access appropriate affordable borrowing; to explain implications of borrowing; and to access debt resolution strategies.
  • Support to access, efficiently use and manage economically viable energy provision in partnership with the Stirling CAB Energy Advice team
  • Social prescribing & assistance to access further support to address underlying vulnerabilities such as loneliness, mental health, addiction, chaotic lifestyles, offending behaviours.
  • Support to better integrate into the local community to address social & economic isolation and loneliness.
  • Support for developing financial confidence and responsible financial management, improving independent living skills.

Full details can be found in the job description below.
