Street League
Street League

Charity number 1101313

Street League is one of Scotland’s leading youth employability providers, engaging 16-30 year olds who are unemployed, we operate our services across 25 communities in Scotland, all of which fall into the top 15% of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. Our operational footprint includes 16 Scottish Local Authorities and we also have services in another 8 cities in the wider UK. In the financial year 16/17, we progressed 1086 young unemployed Scots into work, education or further training. As a charity, we are dedicated to alleviating the poverty faced by Scotland’s young people by supporting them to enter employment or to advance into better jobs and learning opportunities. We are an SQA accredited centre and combine sport and employability with accredited learning to enhance the quality of provision and differentiate our service offer that young people receive. This is underpinned by our values as we believe in an equality of health, wealth and learning. Our service delivery operates at Stages 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the Strategic Skills Pipeline. We deliver on SDS Employability Fund, National and Local ESF programmes, Scottish Governments Fair Start and have grant and corporate funded services across Scotland. Street League are a Modern Apprenticeship employer and are proud to be part of the Living Wage movement.