The job – Office Co-ordinator at Pilton Community Health Project
We are looking for enthusiastic and experienced Office Co-ordinator/s with reception, administration and building co-ordination experience. This is a busy and varied operational role for people who can offer a warm welcome and enjoy organising everything from room bookings to helping empty the dishwasher to answering emails. No two days are the same.
Place of work and hours of work
This job is based in Pilton Community Health Project, in person. This role is open to part time or full time hours. We are seeking Office Co-ordinator/s to help us between 0845 to 1615 Monday to Thursday and 0845 to 1500 on a Friday. You will be asked your preferred days and hours of work on the application form and we will support family/caring responsibilities work patterns where possible.
About us
We are a small team of community based workers and volunteers. We work alongside local people and families to build happier, healthier lives. Based in the heart of North Edinburgh, our vision is Equality, Wellbeing and Belonging for all in our communities. We were established in 1984 making us the oldest community health project in Scotland.
Our Community Wellbeing Programme tackles the harms of health inequalities by supporting people to take steps to better health by taking control of their own health and wellbeing. This, in turn, creates a healthier, happier, resilient community and environment.
We really enjoy collaborating and often work in partnership to share resources, and to maximise our impact. This ensures we continue to learn and develop to the benefit local people and their families.
Find out more here Working alongside local people to build healthier, happier lives - Pilton Community Health Project and on Pilton Community Health Project | Edinburgh | Facebook
And Our Vision, Mission and Values - Pilton Community Health Project
Equality and Diversity
We are an equal opportunities employer committed to equality and diversity. We particularly welcome applications from groups currently under represented in our team such as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic candidates, men and people from an LGBTQI background.
Closing Date 0900 on Monday 17 February
Shortlisting by Tuesday 18 February
Interviews Tuesday 25 February
Please return your completed Application Form by 0900 on Monday 17 February to our Director marked HR - Private and Confidential in the subject line.
If you would like to discuss this role informally, please contact us on 01315511671 or email our Director
Pilton Community Health Project is a charitable company limited by guarantee
Registered Scottish charity No SC018460 and company No SC339435