This vacancy has now closed

Service Manager – Recovery and mental health services

  • Full time
  • £31,516 – £33,949
  • Edinburgh
  • Closing 31st March 2023

  • Advertised from 2nd March 2023
  • 35.75 hours per week


The Recovery and Mental Health services team provides embedded advice within Local Community Mental Health Teams and Recovery Hubs – a multi-agency approach for substance misuse services. We provide an embedded adviser within each of the 4 locality mental health teams and Recovery Services Hub. These services are funded through the Edinburgh Integrated Joint board ( EIJB) and also the UK Prosperity Fund.

The team also manages an outreach post to people at risk of drug death who are not yet engaged with Recovery Services and provides additional welfare rights to ‘The Works’ an employability project with Ballenden House community mental health team.

Application notes

An application pack is available for download below.
