Ayr Housing Aid Centre
Charity registered in Scotland SC049609
After attending a Shelter Seminar around 1986 a group of local interested lay persons came together to form Ayr Housing Aid Centre in 1987. This was supported by Shelter and the local authority. We have grown from strength to strength since then and continue to develop and grow to meet local demand and help those in housing need. We are a registered charity helping South Ayrshire residents with housing issues. We provide free and independent Services. A major part of the Centre’s work is to provide advice, information, advocacy, representation along with Engagement Services to prevent homelessness and help those going into their First Home or waiting to be housed by the Council. Primarily the Centre operates in South Ayrshire. We will always try and actively signpost those out with South Ayrshire to a local service where they live or a National Service such as Shelter or Citizens Advice Scotland. Our Prison Housing Advice Service covers East and South Ayrshire.