Roxburgh and Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau
Roxburgh and Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau

Charity registered in Scotland SC010123

Roxburgh & Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau is here to offer free, impartial and confidential advice through our 4 offices, over the phone and by email. We deliver support and guidance on a range of topics, giving people the information they need to deal with any situation and improve their lives.

Current vacancies

Money Adviser

  • Part time
  • £31,267 pro-rata
  • Hybrid: Duns/Kelso
  • Closing 10th February 2025

Roxburgh and Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau operates across Teviot, Berwickshire and Cheviot areas of the Scottish Borders and is an independent and innovative organisation providing quality, holistic advice and support to local citizens.

We are looking for an enthusiastic and experienced Money Adviser, who has the relevant qualifications, to join our warm and welcoming organisation in Roxburgh and Berwickshire. (Please do not apply unless you have the essential qualifications.)
