Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Community Development Trust
Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Community Development Trust

Charity registered in Scotland SC038616

Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Community Development Trust works to provide support to individuals, families and communities who are affected by poverty, ill-health, social and economic exclusion, disadvantage. We (primarily, but not exclusively) work with those who are vulnerable or marginalised by promoting a person centred approach to community development and regeneration. F&BV CDT empowers and enables individuals, families and communities to address their identified issues and concerns, to help them achieve their potential and sustain change in their lives, to improve the lives of their families and to address issues within their communities, to improve their communities.

Current vacancies

Mental Health and Wellbeing Worker

  • Full time
  • £27,500
  • On site: Fauldhouse
  • Closing 4th March 2025

Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Community Development Trust (F&BV CDT) are primarily focused on addressing poverty, inequality and disadvantage. We work with many partners, CAB, Bridge Project, Advice Shop, WLCAN, Wide Range of Health and Social Care Partners, Schools, Family Servies, and Older Peoples Services.

F&BV are rural, fairly isolated communities. The rural location makes access to mental health and wellbeing services and resources almost impossible for many local people. F&BV CDT would like to employ a Mental Health and Wellbeing Development Worker. We would like to continue to address issues within the community using a person-centred, social prescribing approach.

We want to focus on the person in a way "that enables people to achieve the outcomes that they want (rather than outcomes defined or prescribed by others) "We want to manipulate structures not people".

We currently provide a range of advice and support services via our Anti-Poverty programme, projects which address disadvantage, marginalisation and the cost-of-living crisis. Our work often involves a “revolving door”, where people return with a similar crisis.

We want to continue to work with people through their crisis. But we are keen to continue to work with them as they come out of crisis mode and help them continue on their journey with (for example) support, encouragement and self-help. We also want to ensure we train and include local people, local volunteers who have life experience. F&BV CDT wants the post holder to assist in the recruitment of volunteers who can identify with the issues and concerns, who have come through “crisis” and have found a pathway which has enabled them to improve their life chances, life skills, their potential and their future opportunities. We also want to work with our partners and service providers towards positive outcomes.

The post holder, with support from their line management, The F&BV CDT Team, The Board of Trustees, will work with the individual, family and the wider communities. We want to be here for the individual, family, community for as long as needed, until they no longer feel isolated, alone. Until they feel confident, and they feel that their mental health and their wellbeing has improved, and they are able to continue on a positive pathway.

We think this project offers a very exciting opportunity to develop a new way of working within the local communities.

If you feel you have the knowledge, experience, commitment and the enthusiasm required to fulfil these aims, F&BV CDT would really like to hear from you.
