Holy Trinity Church of Scotland
Holy Trinity Church of Scotland

Charity registered in Scotland SC012562

Holy Trinity is a vibrant Word & Spirit Church community bursting with children & young people of all ages. We are a gathered congregation that sits within a diverse suburb of Edinburgh, which has experienced regeneration over recent years. We believe it is no accident that we are in the heart of Wester Hailes, as ‘God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us.’ Ephesians 3:20. We have a hard-working team of 8 staff who coordinate a range of ministries and out-reach services to the local area, along with a supportive and committed group of volunteers. Our reason for being in Wester Hailes is to make the face of God human and we would love for you to partner with us on this journey.
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