Crail Museum and Heritage Centre
Charity registered in Scotland SC023505
The Museum, formed over 40 years ago, provides an insight into the past life of this ancient Royal Burgh, its kirk, seafaring tradition, Crail Golfing Society (founded in 1786 - the 7th oldest in the world) and airfield history from the First World War until its closure in 1960 (HMS Jackdaw, Fleet Air Arm Station, HMS Bruce Boys Training School and Joint Services School for Linguists). Our exhibitions are augmented by special topics explored in more detail and changed regularly so there is always at least one new exhibition every year. Crail has been a prosperous and important trading and fishing port since the 12th century, and its picturesque harbour is one of the most frequent images in Scottish calendars and guides. Today there is still commercial fishing from the harbour for crab and lobster which have a reputation for quality. The Burgh is surrounded by excellent farming land.