Scottish Campaign For National Parks
Scottish Campaign For National Parks

Charity registered in Scotland SC031008

The Scottish Campaign for National Parks (SCNP) is the national charity that campaigns to protect and promote the cause of and the case for National Parks in Scotland. SCNP’s primary aim is to promote the protection, enhancement and enjoyment of nationally outstanding areas that are National Parks, or are appropriate to be designated as such, or are of sufficient merit to warrant special protection. SCNP supports the good stewardship of the country’s best environmental assets and encourages environmentally sustainable methods of development, particularly within areas of national park potential. As well as supporting Scotland’s existing National Parks, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs and the Cairngorms, SCNP actively supports local groups working towards National Park designation for other parts of Scotland, including the Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park and the Galloway National Park Association.