Befrienders Highland
Befrienders Highland

Charity registered in Scotland SC029386

We are a small voluntary organisation working to improve the lives of people who are experiencing mental ill health; memory loss or dementia and carers . We work with adults (aged 18 and over) who are lonely and isolated, and live within the Highland Region of Scotland.

Current vacancies

Convenor of Board of Trustees

  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • On site: Inverness
  • Closing 31st March 2025

A new 3-year funding package for Befrienders Highland has secured our future and we are looking for a new Convenor of our Board to take us forward.

Like all charitable bodies this is a voluntary position, and we are looking for someone with a background in mental health, either through lived experience or working in the sector, with experience of governance and supporting a small, but well-established, charity based in Inverness and operating across the Highland region.

Befriending in this context provides unique opportunities and challenges and we welcome applications from someone who values the practice of befriending as a support for recovery and is keen to work with other board members and staff into the future.

Board meetings take place in Inverness, every six to eight weeks, so a locally based candidate is preferred.

The role profile and person specification are attached.

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