Built Environment Forum Scotland
Built Environment Forum Scotland

Charity registered in Scotland SC034488

Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS) is an umbrella body for organisations working in the built environment in Scotland. Drawing on extensive expertise in a membership-led forum, BEFS informs, debates and advocates on the strategic issues, opportunities and challenges facing Scotland’s historic and contemporary built environment.

Current vacancies


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • Remote: Edinburgh
  • Closing 10th March 2025

About BEFS

Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS) is the strategic intermediary body for Scotland’s built environment sector, bringing together civic, voluntary, and professional organisations that operate at the national level. As an umbrella organisation, BEFS informs, debates and advocates on strategic issues and policies affecting the built environment. Our aim is to communicate the importance of Scotland’s built and historic environment to policy makers at all levels of government, private owners and investors, and amongst professionals and voluntary organisations. BEFS are funded via Historic Environment Scotland, and the BEFS – Fit for the Future project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (until 31 March 2025).

BEFS overall vision is for a strong built environment sector in Scotland. One that is informed, that can debate issues in a constructive way, that can demonstrate its impact, that can advocate for good outcomes on the ground.

We are currently seeking individuals to join our Board of Trustees, to help us take the organisation forward and provide support to practitioners in addressing, together, the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing Scotland’s built environment.

Our Trustees

The role of our Board of Trustees is to support our work and ensure strategic oversight of our advocacy, events and other activities. Whilst you don’t need to have previous board level experience, participation in other types of collective / voluntary group work and working as a team would be beneficial; and you do need to have a passion for the built environment. BEFS can support and provide training if you are new to being a board member.

As a BEFS Trustee, you will have the opportunity to make an impact on Scotland’s historic and existing built environment, bringing your professional expertise to bear on shaping the organisation as we enter a new phase of development.

Trustees are appointed for a period of three years, which can be extended for up to two additional periods. Trustees are required to attend four Board meetings a year, plus the AGM in December; meetings will be a mix of online and in-person (Edinburgh).

We are particularly keen to hear from candidates with experience of the following:

  • Finance and fundraising;
  • Communications, digital and marketing;
  • Legal and contractual;
  • Human Resources;
  • Public Affairs;
  • Sustainability & Net Zero

Alongside these key skills we are also inviting expressions of interest for the roles of Chair and Treasurer.
