Home for Good
Home for Good

Charity registered in Scotland SC046972

Every 15 minutes, a child or young person in the UK enters the care system. Each child has intrinsic worth and value. Every child needs the same things to thrive: a stable place to call home, an environment that feels safe, someone they can trust who will offer care and support. Right now, there’s an urgent need for foster carers across the UK. Nearly a quarter of young people in care are over the age of 16, yet there are limited high-quality options for accommodating these young people in safe, appropriate places. There are children waiting more than 18 months for an adoptive family who can offer them the care they need – this includes children who are over the age of five, children who are Black, children with a disability and children in a sibling group. Home for Good has a bold vision to find a home for every child who needs one in the UK through fostering, adoption and supported lodgings for teenagers. We believe the Church has a crucial role to play. There are over 50,000 churches in the UK. In every village, town and city in the country these churches – big, small and in between – are filled with people who want to follow the example of Jesus, seeking justice, showing compassion and practicing hospitality. When we read the Bible, it’s impossible to ignore the fact that this is an issue close to God’s own heart. Psalm 68 tells us that God sets the lonely in families. We inspire and equip individuals, families and churches across the country to play their part to ensure that every child experiences the stability, care and sense of belonging they deserve. Through our resources, content and training packages, we practically equip individuals and families as they explore fostering, adoption or supported lodgings for teenagers. We mobilise churches and communities to welcome, understand and support families who love and raise children with lived experience of care. Home for Good is not a fostering or adoption agency but works closely with local and district authorities, adoption and fostering agencies, and supported lodgings organisations to find resilient and caring homes. We particularly focus on finding homes for the children and young people who wait the longest. We are a national charity with a local mission – we have team members and volunteers across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, working on the ground to inspire the local Church, build partnerships and ultimately find homes for the thousands of children who are waiting. But we don’t just work at the local level – we are committed to sparking systemic change too. We take the stories, experiences and wisdom of care-experienced children and those who care for them, and we build a bridge between those whose voices are too often ignored, and those who have the power to enact real change. Home for Good is driven by a vision: that together we can find a home for every child who needs one.