Project Coordinator

  • Part time
  • Sessional
  • On site: Aberfeldy
  • Closing 21st February 2025

  • Advertised from 23rd January 2025
  • 21 hours per week. The salary is £19/hour. Self-employed, for 2 years, fixed term. The successful individual will undertake the contract on a freelance basis and will remain responsible for their own tax, national insurance and pension.


Highland Perthshire PLUS is your local Charity (SC053712) that works to support people with additional support needs (ASN) and/or disabilities and their families to enable them to Play, Learn, Unite and Shine in Highland Perthshire.

The charity does this by working to create housing, employment, training and volunteering opportunities as well as improving local access to social and sporting opportunities.

We define Highland Perthshire as the area outlined by the Perth & Kinross Council Highland Ward and additional areas surrounding the catchment for Breadalbane Academy, thus reaching as far as Dunkeld, Amulree and Strathbraan.

Highland Perthshire PLUS currently works in conjunction with Perth and Kinross Disability Sport to provide free sporting activities such as swimming, boccia, and football at Breadalbane Campus. Highland Perthshire PLUS also runs Supported Volunteering at Dalweem for working age adults with an additional support need or disability, working on gardening in the warmer months and cooking and crafts in the winter.

Highland Perthshire PLUS is committed to understanding the needs of the people it serves. The organisation invites individuals to share their insights, helping us to shape services that truly reflect their priorities and aspirations.

We can only do this with your help, and it is our job to listen to your needs and respond to them. Please get in touch with the team with any queries or concerns and someone will be in touch with you to discuss.

Application notes

Please apply in writing, sending a covering letter, CV and two references to For further enquiries please contact Emma Burtles on 07881 991176 or Lindsay McManamon (DM) on 07830 402407.
