Water of Leith Conservation Trust
Water of Leith Conservation Trust

Charity registered in Scotland SC000015

Our Vision: A healthy river cared for by its community Through partnerships and practical action The Water of Leith Conservation Trust (WOLCT) works to protect and improve the Water of Leith as a haven for wildlife and a resilient blue-green network for the city. We deliver inclusive learning, volunteering and recreational opportunities which connect communities with Edinburgh’s river. Registered Charity no SC000015 Founded in 1988, as Scotland’s first river charity and guardians of the river, we strive to raise the profile of this key environmental asset and promote community action to help the river. We work with volunteers and community groups to deliver around 250 river clean-ups and habitat improvement tasks annually - managing INNS, Meadows, and community gardens. Our open daily Visitor Centre is a hub for outdoor learning and we deliver over 170 school classes, community learning activities and events annually In partnership with others we manage 26 miles of river habitat and 13 miles of walkway through Edinburgh, promoting it sustainable use and management. We work to develop projects which improve the river health and resilience to climate change and improve spaces for all user.

Current vacancies


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • On site: Edinburgh
  • Closing 18th February 2025

Could you be our new Chair?

We are seeking a Chair for the Water of Leith Conservation Trust (WOLCT) Board of Trustees.

The WOLCT works to protect and improve the Water of Leith as a haven for wildlife and a resilient blue green network for the city. We connect communities with Edinburgh’s River by delivering inclusive learning, volunteering and recreational opportunities..

As Chair you will have a vital role leading and supporting the Trustees and ensuring effective governance of the Trust. We are looking for a motivated, skilled and engaged individual who is committed to helping us to achieve our mission. The Chair will help steer a successful and dynamic organisation as we deliver our 2024-2029 strategy.

The Chair’s key responsibilities are to:

• Provide leadership to the charity and its Board.

• Act as an ambassador for the purposes and mission of the organisation.

• Lead the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities for the good governance of the Trust and maintaining focus on our charitable work.

• Work in partnership with the Chief Executive helping them to achieve the Trust’s objectives.

• Optimise the relationships between Board Members and between the Board, staff and volunteers

• Run effective Board meetings and ensure effective executive leadership of the organisation.

• Ensure that the Board regularly reviews its structure, composition and effectiveness, including board reviews and succession planning.

• Support development and maintenance of a positive organisational culture and promote equality and diversity.

• Fulfil the duties of the Chair as defined in the Trust’s Articles of Association.
