North Glasgow Integration Network SCIO
North Glasgow Integration Network SCIO

Charity registered in Scotland SC049542

North Glasgow Integration Network ( NGIN) is a hub for a network of organisations in the North/North East of Glasgow who support asylum seekers and refugees feel welcome in their new community.

Current vacancies


  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • Hybrid: Glasgow
  • Closing 31st December 2024

North Glasgow Integration Network SCIO (NGIN) is currently seeking a new Treasurer. NGIN is governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees, who guide and oversee our organisation. Our board is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, with an interest in supporting asylum seekers & refugees and all New Scots in Glasgow,

The main aim of NGIN is to support asylum seekers and refugees who are accommodated in North/North East Glasgow communities. Led by the needs and interests of people accessing the service, NGIN connects people with services that will support them and hosts and promotes tailored events and opportunities. The charity works with people on an individual and group basis to help them to feel safe, develop the confidence to integrate with the host community and to have an improved quality of life.

The treasurer would work closely with the lead worker to provide regular financial updates for the board, prepare annual accounts and budget forecasts and support the aims of the organisation through effective financial management of the funds received through grant awards and donations.

We are looking for an individual with an interest or experience in accounts and finances. We would also welcome skills in other areas relevant to the wider work of the board in steering the organisation such as social media, human resources, community learning & development, finance/fundraising or marketing. We are looking for candidates with a belief in social justice and financial inclusion and an interest in the wellbeing of New Scots. Given our aims and commitment to diversity, we encourage applications from all genders, the BAME community and people with additional support needs.

The position of treasurer is a voluntary position but travel expenses and other reasonable expenses accrued when carrying out the role will be paid.

Time Commitment

For the role of treasurer we ask for availability to attend online meetings with the lead worker once a month to effectively support the financial management of NGIN. As with all board members we are also seeking commitment to attend 1 board meeting per quarter, held online or in person, with email contact on matters arising between meetings. Alongside this, additional requests may be made for support with board activities such as recruitment of staff on an occasional basis.


Chair of Trustees

  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • Hybrid: Glasgow
  • Closing 31st December 2024

North Glasgow Integration Network SCIO (NGIN) is currently seeking a new Chair of Trustees. NGIN is governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees, who guide and oversee our organisation. Our board is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, with an interest in supporting asylum seekers & refugees and all New Scots in Glasgow,

The main aim of NGIN is to support asylum seekers and refugees who are accommodated in North/North East Glasgow communities. Led by the needs and interests of people accessing the service, NGIN connects people with services that will support them and hosts and promotes tailored events and opportunities. The charity works with people on an individual and group basis to help them to feel safe, develop the confidence to integrate with the host community and to have an improved quality of life.

The role of chair, alongside being a board member, is to chair board meetings and annual general meetings, provide line management support to the lead worker of NGIN, and work with other office bearers to ensure that the board, staff and volunteers at NGIN are all able to work effectively for the benefit of the people using NGIN services.

Our Board wishes to expand its skills base and welcomes individuals with relevant financial, community and business experience, aligned with a belief in social justice and financial inclusion. We are looking to attract individuals with skills and experience ranging from social media, human resources, community learning & development, finance/fundraising, marketing and, most importantly, an interest in the wellbeing of New Scots. Given our aims and commitment to diversity, we encourage applications from all genders, the BAME community and people with additional support needs.

The position of chair is a voluntary position but travel expenses and other reasonable expenses accrued when carrying out the role will be paid.

Time Commitment

For the role of chair we ask for availability to attend online meetings with the lead worker 1-2 times per month to provide strategic support to the organisation and line management support to the lead worker role. As with all board members we are also seeking commitment to attend 1 board meeting per quarter, held online or in person, with email contact on matters arising between meetings. Alongside this, additional requests may be made for support with board activities such as recruitment of staff on an occasional basis.



  • Management Board
  • Unpaid
  • Hybrid: Glasgow
  • Closing 31st December 2024

North Glasgow Integration Network SCIO (NGIN) is currently seeking new Board Members. NGIN is governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees, who guide and oversee our organisation. Our board is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, with an interest in supporting asylum seekers & refugees and all New Scots in Glasgow,

The main aim of NGIN is to support asylum seekers and refugees who are accommodated in North/North East Glasgow communities. Led by the needs and interests of people accessing the service, NGIN connects people with services that will support them and hosts and promotes tailored events and opportunities. The charity works with people on an individual and group basis to help them to feel safe, develop the confidence to integrate with the host community and to have an improved quality of life.

Our Board wishes to expand its skills base and welcomes individuals with relevant financial, community and business experience, aligned with a belief in social justice and financial inclusion. We are looking to attract individuals with skills and experience ranging from social media, human resources, community learning & development, finance/fundraising, marketing and, most importantly, an interest in the wellbeing of New Scots. Given our aims and commitment to diversity, we encourage applications from all genders, the BAME community and people with additional support needs.

The position of trustee is a voluntary position but travel expenses and other reasonable expenses accrued when carrying out the role will be paid.

Time Commitment

We ask board member candidates for a minimum commitment of attending 1 meeting every quarter, held online or in person, with email contact on matters arising between meetings. Alongside this, additional requests may be made for support with board activities such as recruitment of staff on an occasional basis.
