
Charity registered in Scotland SC048291

SafeLives is a creative, practical organisation dedicated to ending domestic abuse. Since 2005 we have constantly looked to evidence, the voice of survivors and practical expertise from across the UK to create improvements in the way domestic abuse is prevented, identified and addressed. As well as being known for incubating new research and practical interventions to address the risk of domestic abuse, SafeLives has the ability and motivation to replicate and scale good practice so that victims, survivors and their children all over the UK can benefit. Last year, SafeLives’ interventions helped over 60,000 adults increase their safety, and many more children. We haven’t yet gone far enough. Radical change is still needed to not just reduce the impact of domestic abuse, but also reduce the prevalence of the problem so that fewer individuals and families are touched by it in the first place. Two million people indicated they had experienced domestic abuse last year and we know that those experiences, a significant majority of which were amongst women and girls, have a ripple effect into all areas of someone’s life and future. For this reason, we need to take our own initiatives - both existing and those still to come - and the partnerships we can forge with others, and influence those with an ability to reduce the prevalence and impact of domestic abuse.