Who we are:
The Hearing Voices Network Dundee (HaVeN) is a registered charity which provides a HaVeN for those who hear voices,
as well as those in the community who experience mental health issues. The HaVeN is a drop-in centre as well as
a community café which is based in the Hilltown area of the city, offering one to one support and a variety of
groups which are run and supported by volunteers.
Our Mission:
For Voice Hearers to feel valued, accepted and empowered to thrive.
What we do:
The Hearing Voices Network Dundee seeks to inspire hope and promote empowerment for Voice-Hearers, their friends, and
families. We have a drop-in service which is open to all. No referral is needed to access the services and
support that we provide.
We offer support, advice, volunteering opportunities, befriending, peer2peer, training, group activities and have a
community café on site. We work closely with other organisations in our community to ensure that we remain up to
date and are able provide creative support solutions to our service users and the community around us.
As a Trustee, we would like you to:
• Be passionate about the organisation and its mission.
• Support the strategic direction of the organisation.
• Work with other Trustee’s to ensure that Board decisions are made within governance frameworks.
• Be involved in sub-committees where possible.
• Provide assistance and support to the organisation
• Act in good faith and only in the interests of the organisation.
We welcome people from any background however are particularly interested in hearing from people who have experience
in the following areas:
• Mental health
• Finance
• Digital and social media
• Marketing
• People with lived experience
• Medicine/Nursing
More information
This is a voluntary role; however reasonable expenses will be paid.
The Board of trustees currently meet up to eight times per year. Our meetings are currently a mixture of in-person
(In Dundee) and virtual.